The Natural Ingredients In Chicken Feed To Reduce Egg Cholesterol

Eggs contain high albumin, lipids, a variety of amino acids and mineral elements, calorific value and amino acid ratio is moderate, widely used by people all over the world. However, eggs have gotten a bad rap because of their cholesterol, but they are an important part of a balanced diet. Long-term excessive intake of cholesterol, easy to cause high blood fat, pulse cone-like hardening, coronary heart disease and high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases, so reducing the blood cholesterol content is one of the ways to reduce the occurrence of these cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, researchers at home and abroad have effectively reduced the cholesterol content in eggs by adding alfalfa medica, green tea, Chinese herbal medicine additives, probiotics and microelements in diets, and at the same time can be used as a substitute for antibiotics or drug additives. These additives can reduce the drug residues in domestic poultry and eggs, and have broad market prospects.



As a common forage grass, alfalfa has the advantages of good quality, rich nutrition, easy digestion of livestock and high yield. Feeding alfalfa can improve the growth and immunity of animals and effectively improve the health condition of animals. Laudadio et al. report that when alfalfa meal is substituted for soybean meal in the diet of laying hens, the color, 100 percent ratio and J3-carotene content of egg yolk are increased, while the cholesterol content is decreased, and the egg yolk has no adverse effect on the fertility of laying hens. These results indicate that alfalfa meal can improve egg quality and significantly reduce the cholesterol content in eggs without changing the productivity of laying hens. The results show that dietary supplementation of different contents of alfalfa extract can reduce the cholesterol content in egg yolk of laying hens, and the 120mg/kg alfalfa extract supplementation group significantly reduces the cholesterol content in egg yolk. The causes can be as follows: Alfalfa extract can affect and regulate the cholestol metabolism in liver, reduce the cholestol deposition in ovary, and reduce the cholestol content in eggs.

In addition, polysavone can significantly increase the content of high density fat egg white cholesterol (HDL-C) and the expression of cholestol-7A monohydroxylase in the liver. It reduces the expression of 3- hydroxy-3-methylglutarate monoacyl-coA reductase in the liver. Polysavone reduces the cholesterols in egg yolk by inhibiting the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol and promoting the conversion of cholesterols to bile acids. In general, alfalfa as a widely cultivated forage source has a wide range of potential applications in reducing chicken egg choledol content.

Green tea

Camellia Sinensis

Polyphenols and caffine are the main bioactive substances in green tea extract. It has important physiological regulating effect on reducing blood cholestol, preventing and treating atherosclerosis, improving antioxidant power, preventing cancer and ganglitis. Tea polyphenols can effectively reduce the activity of pancreas fat in the intestine of chickens, reduce the absorption of fat fat, and regulate cholesterol metabolism. However, tea polyphenols have a fixed absorption threshold in the animal body. That is, when green tea powder is added to a quantitative catalyst, the utilization of tea polyphenols can be balanced. In addition, adding green tea powder of different origin to the diet can also significantly reduce the cholesterol content in egg yolk and increase the egg production rate of laying hens. Tea polyphenols do not purely promote the digestion or discharge of bile solid alcohol in blood, but can reduce the content of bile sterol in eggs by reducing the amount of very low density fat egg white (VLDL) into oocyte. It is also proved that the cholestol content in egg yolk of laying hens mainly depends on the amount of VLDL entering oocyte, and tea polyphenols can regulate the cholestol content in eggs by influencing the synthesis of fatty egg white in the liver.

Yucca schidigera

Yucca Schidigera

Yucca schidigera extract can not only reduce the cholesterol content in the blood of animals, improve the immune mechanism of animals and regulate the growth of animals, but also reduce the production of harmful gases such as ammonia gas and methane in animals, and effectively improve the growth environment of livestock and poultry. Adding 60 to 180mg/kg yucca plant extract to the diet of laying hens can significantly reduce the contents of cholesterol and glycerol triester in blood serum of laying hens. According to Kaya et al., Yucca plant extract reduced blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and egg yolk cholesterol levels in quail. In addition, Yucca schidigera extract supplemented with 100mg/kg in the diet of laying hens can effectively increase the productivity, epidemic immunity and antioxidant enzyme activity of laying hens.
Yucca saponins, the main active component of  Yucca schidigera extract, have been found to absorb bile acid in the intestinal tract and cause it to be excreted in feces, increasing the transfer of cholesterol to bile acid in the liver, It reduces the cholesterol in the intestinal tract and thus the cholesterol in the blood and eggs. Compared with antibiotics, Yucca plant extract is a natural active substance, which is an effective plant source for producing low-cholesterol eggs.

Chinese herbal medicine
As a kind of green and environmentally friendly feeding additive, Chinese herbal medicine plays an important role in reducing the content of choledol in chicken eggs, strengthening the phytophthora immunity of animals, improving the productivity of animals and improving the quality of animal products. They can inhibit the synthesis of sterol and increase the excretion of sterol to reduce the concentration of sterol in blood, reduce the deposition of sterol in ovular follicles, and ultimately reduce the content of sterol in eggs. Chinese herbal supplements can not only reduce the cholesterol content in eggs, but also improve the growth performance and egg quality of the egg-laying hens, and at the same time avoid the residue of drugs induced by antibiotics. On the 30th and 60th days of diets supplemented with 1.5 Chinese herbal mixture (Radix astragalus, Angelica sinensis, Dandelion, Motherwort, etc.), The cholesterol content in egg yolk of hens decreased by 1.32 and 1.69, respectively, compared with the control group. Meanwhile, the Haff single position and phosphorus lipid content in the egg yolk of hens in the Chinese herbal medicine group could be increased. This may be because the ovophosphoripid contained in the herbal supplement can combine with the cholesterol, reduce the absorption of the cholesterol in the intestinal tract or cut the intestinal liver circulation, and ultimately reduce the cholesterol content in egg yolk.